Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's almost OCTOBER??

How did this happen? I swear, I just stopped blogging for one day. Maybe two. But that was all. I promise!! And now I look back and realize it's been over two weeks! Unbelievable.

Highlights from the past two weeks:

  • Went home to my parent's house and visited while they had a band gig.
  • Unpacked more things from our GV house to the new house - whew!
  • Papa and Bushia came for a surprise visit before their next adventure at Amazon.com
  • Work is - eh - work is work. But it's not bad.
  • Have been rapidly gearing up to begin school full time starting October 1st.

In a nutshell, nothing earth-shattering. Life is trudging along. We're heading into THE BEST time of year. Sister and I are trying to plan a "Fall Date" where we wear layers, drink chai and look at seasonal decorations (yes, we're dorks!).

I'm nervous about starting school again. It's been a long time coming and I hope I can stay on track. I have every desire to and my drive is such that I am determined not to mess this up. If all goes as planned, within two years I'll have my BA and have completed my student teaching. Keep your fingers crossed!

That's all for now.

I'll be better.


Peace Out :)


  1. All my fingers and toes are crossed for you, Erin! You are smart and capable. You have the motivation and the drive. Who needs fingers??

    As for October... yup, it's almost here. I wish I could like it in the same way that the women in your family like it. maybe your mom and I need to come be part of that layers and tea (or hot chocolate?) day -- can we add boots?

  2. September went slow for me... but the rest of the year flew by! I sure hope October goes fast... this year has been crazy!
