Thursday, March 28, 2013

Charlee the Barn Cat

I feel it is fairly evident that I love our animals. I find that I post or talk about them frequently. The good news? I'm posting new pics!

Hubs and I had been discussing getting an outside only cat for a while, however we were fairly adamant that we wanted to adopt or rescue one. It needed to get along with our other animals and have a good personality. That's risky with a cat.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Charlee outside one of the schools sites I work at. I spoke to the secretary about her and found that she (the secretary) had been feeding her for over a week and that Charlee was sleeping up in a tree every night. The secretary was worried about her because she would wander somewhat near the parking lot and of course there are the risks of cars. After speaking to Hubs, we decided to give her a try.

So far so good! She's got quite an interesting personality. She seems resigned to our big dog, Scout. Doesn't love him and sometimes (depending on her mood) will arch her back at him, but mostly she just tolerates him and gives him the evil eye. Scout, on the other hand, is the biggest, goofiest dog ever who just wants to be friends and lick her in the face. 

When Hubs and the boys were out building the fence, she followed them around watching them. Similar to a dog! Quite the chatty little thing when she gets her food, she will run ahead of us and wait patiently until we fill her bowl. I hope that she grows out of that obsession with food, but understand that it's likely left over from her stray-cat days. 

Hanging with the addition

Charlee's shocked expression. I'm not sure if it's because the flash accidentally went off or because she saw Scout sneaking into the barn to say hi. 

Scout just chillin'....He has no idea they aren't best friends

Finally she ventured from the barn to explore the yard
Crazy gold eyes. Oh, and little black mustache much like Charlie Chaplin
The adjustment seems to be going well. I'm enjoying having another cat around. Her formal name is Charlette (NOT Charlotte) Mrow Maycroft. When she's in trouble we pull out the big guns and use the full name. So far that hasn't happened TOO many times.....

Peace Out :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fence Construction: Part 1

We're alive! I swear! Life is crazy - but isn't it always? Ok, quick synopsis of the past few weeks. We sold our house in Grass Valley finally (yay!!), we started many of our Spring projects (yay!!) and we adopted a new cat (double yay!!).

Our property is just under 25 acres, and surrounding the house is approximately 1-1.5 acres of "yard space". Beyond the yard is our pasture where our neighbor brings his cows and mules and we get to view our rolling hills. Before Christmas, while our mule friends were on an extended visit, one of them got feisty and decided to kick down our fence separating the pasture and the yard. The fence was old, ugly and decrepit to begin with (gross chain link from a million years ago) but with the added crunch of mule hoof-prints, it was quite atrocious "lovely".

We had been planning to take down the old fence and build newer, more picturesque (and efficient) fencing when time and finances permitted. Along with the yard, we planned to map out our garden (and consequently, fence that as well). We are well underway. Quite the project it has turned into. Hubs and the boys have spent the past two weekends (and weekdays) working on getting this fence project up and going. Still not complete, but pictures of the whole project will follow. Hubs is hopeful that he will get it finished before the weekend. I hope so too!!

The process begins 

Trying to save our plum tree. The tree was growing right through the old fencing 

Mess of concrete posts pulled up by Claude 

Removing the old fencing

Ethan doing his dance moves

That looks like a lot of work.....

Fence-less yard. The biggest it will ever be

Putting Claude to work to remove the old water pressure tank

Barry pouring cement for the corner posts

Corner posts 

Lining up the fencing with string - gotta make sure it's straight!

8 feet in between each t-post....all the way around 

My cowboys working until dusk to get those t-posts into the ground

Almost finished with this line of fencing!
So much work involved and I am thankful to have a husband with the drive, desire and ability to do this. Love this country life we have.

Peace out :)