Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homestead in the making

So long since the last post but I have good reason! We have been BUSY!! Spring is in the air - in fact it's more than in the air. It would almost appear that summer is trying to make an early appearance. Rumor has it we are supposed to hit 95 by next week.

Some highlights from the Maycroft Clan:

  • First and foremost, we are happy to announce we have a little one on the way! Baby is expected to arrive mid to late October of this year! 
  • Apparently something is in the water here in the foothills, as Charlee (introduced here) has blessed us with 4 baby kittens who will be celebrating their one week birthday today! 

  • I took a weekend to try something I've been dying to do for quite some time - make homemade bagels. Certainly a time consuming process but YUMMY!! I adapted this recipe. 
    Boiling away

    Plain, PepperJack and Parmesan Bagels pre-baking

    Hot and fresh from the oven. 

  • Barry was able to make the Wild Turkey Jerky he's been wanting to make since his hunting adventure earlier this month. Quite the ordeal and overall successful, though next time he promises to monitor it a little closer. It got a bit "charred" in places. 
    Getting the coals to the right temperature

    The proud hunter and chef

    Spicy Teriyaki Wild Turkey Jerky smoking away on the grill 
  • Best of all, Hubs started working on getting my vegetable beds up and going so we can get the garden planted. I could not be happier with how they are looking. So far only one is complete but the other is under construction in the barn. While he and Ethan were working away, I was able to get some seeds started so I have something to put in the beds!
    Grow seeds, grow!

    Construction begins

    Big, heavy and sturdy

    Hubs lining it up to help it lay flat

    The finished product. Beautiful redwood and corrugated roofing

    My cowboy filling the bottom of the beds

    Work until the sun goes down
Our little homestead is slowly coming together. We are so happy and so proud of the progress we have made. I can't wait until the garden is at it's full potential and the cows are out grazing in the pasture. Even better will be showing all of what we have learned to our little one :)
Mama, Daddy and baby. The boots were Hubs' when he was a baby

Peace Out :)

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