So today is my birthday. I'm not a huge birthday fan for the obvious reasons (getting older is the main one) but nevertheless, it's still a big day. In reading through Facebook posts (which I love and appreciate!), I found myself scrolling back along the timeline. I jumped from my very first wall post which was in 2005 to right before I met my Hubs. Well, I take that back, I knew him but didn't think of him that way yet. It's just so funny to see your life chronicled like that. Little did I know just how drastically life would be changing in such a short amount of time.
It really does make me wonder what is in store for me and my family in 2013. The temporary flashback helped to ground me in my minor blue state and helped me to realize our (Hubs and I) whole mantra just a little better; Everything for a reason. True, the reason may be unclear at the time - albeit painful and diffucult to move past - but sometimes there is a "plan" for lack of better word. I am at the beginning of a brand new year and judging by the years I have had so far, there will be many ups and downs. Already we face one as we deal with the tumultuous state of selling our home. That could possibly be one of the most stressful things I can think of.
But soon enough we will move past that as well and be on to our next challenge. It's exciting and scary at the same time. The "I never saw that coming!" things are what scare me the most. But who knows. Those moments may be some of the best things that ever happened to me.....
Peace Out :)
Front Yard Renovation with Belgard Outdoor Living
4 months ago
Yeah, I know, birth days can be tender moments all the way around. I find my own birthday always gives me pause to reflect on this odd and twisty road called Life. Things can change so fast - go around the next bend and whoa! the scenery and the weather can change dramatically. The disappointments and sorrows can morph into something you never expected. Likely WILL morph into something you never expected. Here's to a wonderful new year for you, Erin Rose. xoxoxoxoxo