Thursday, January 31, 2013

Olive juice always

When I was in high school, my friends and I used to sign our notes/letters to each other saying "Olive juice always". Why would we do such a thing? Well, glad you asked. When you mouth "olive juice" it looks like you are saying "I love you". Try it. I'll wait. See?? Now, doesn't hurt that I personally LOVE olives and I WILL always love them. But enough about me and my crazies.

Before Christmas, Hubs and sons picked a bunch of olives off our tree. Not having any expectations nor really any idea how to process them, he hit the books trying to figure out the best way to make that awful bitter flavor go away. Then came the arduous task of slicing each olive (there were a LOT - almost an entire 5 gallon bucket was full), picking through to get rid of the "questionable" ones and rinsing the water. After they had been sliced, he filled the bucket with clean, cold water and let them sit overnight. 24 hours later, he would drain them and fill the bucket up again. This continued for a week. Once that was complete, he found a brine recipe that seemed simple - it included lots of salt, water and red wine vinegar. Topping the water with about 1 inch of olive oil sealed them in thus not allowing air to penetrate the brine. He covered the bucket with the lid, set it on the shelf and we ignored it for one month.

On Barry's birthday, it was time to check them out. NERVOUS! Had zero expectations, especially considering this was his first batch. Lo and behold they were TASTY! I didn't try any because at the time of canning them I was quite sick, but Hubs and kids all said they were really good. So we divided them up and sealed them and now we have fancy homemade olives. How cool is that? We will definitely have to invest in an olive pitter but for now this will work just fine. Can't wait to start experimenting - garlic, jalapenos, GREEN many possibilities.
Olives with brine topped with a little Olive Oil

Pre-brine. Don't they look like cherries? 

Mmmmmm....Lots of olives

Ready to be put on the shelf!
I'm so very proud of Hubs for not only following through with this project but making something quite tasty! 

Peace Out :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Burn Day

Since we added our fence, we have had a pile of debris. Mind you, the fence was added in June. It's now January. That's a long time for a pile. A second pile joined the first after yard maintenance and clean up from fallen trees in December. Still one more arose after the demolition of our cherry plum tree as well as the hideous bushes that blocked our view. What are you left with? Three big piles of brush.

Fast forward. Lots of rain. Can't burn in the rain.

But last weekend we finally had a few clear days all in a row!! And that meant the dreaded piles finally dried some.

Enter: pyromaniac boys. And Hubs. And Hubs buddy, Michael. There's nothing quite as fun as a huge fire, right?

Or maybe that's just what we do here on the farm.

Hubs stacking the Juniper

Sometimes things need a little extra smashing to burn properly. Bring on Bessie!


Gangsta Trackhoe driver

Let's add a little fuel to the fire

Big flames!!

It's raining ash!

This fire isn't big enough. Let's add more!

Mr. Scout enjoying the warmth of the fire AND the sun

Boo tossing more onto the fire

Must. Get. More. Branches. 
The good news? No one burned down. No one burned themselves. No one burned my barn down. AND, no more piles. That equals happy Mama Bear. 

Peace Out :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sick and such

After a lovely three day weekend, I'm home sick. This flu/cold bug that is making it's rounds is bad. I only hope it doesn't make rounds through the house as sick kids (and husband!) are hard to deal with. Of course, it would be a gorgeous day outside when all I want to do is curl up into the fetal position.

In other news, Hubs, Papa and the boys spent the day a few days ago working on making a new chicken coop for our feathered friends. It's the temporary one but still an improvement for them. Of course, right now they aren't pulling their weight so I am questioning whether or not they actually deserve such niceties. I actually had to BUY eggs. The very nerve!
Miscellaneous fencing from around the property put together into this magnificent chicken coop. 

Father and son working together

Hubs is a man with a plan

She isn't too sure what is going on, but will make lots of noise anyway!

Adding the next layer of fencing

Next generation of father and son working together

Stretching out the chicken wire to keep it from getting tangled

The question is, how do we put the fencing up while utilizing the existing fence??

Nearly finished!

Ethan practicing his chicken skills

Such a large space!

How many Maycrofts to catch a lone chicken??

Sir Chicken Whisperer

Carefully! Don't let them out!

Our ladies enjoying their fresh grass and new space

The chickens are safe with Scout

Mmmmm. Bugs. 
So far the verdict is that it was a success. Still no more eggs, but what are you going to do? Come spring time we will be adding more hens and we will have eggs coming out of our ears! 

As for this sick one? My cozy blanket and bed are calling....

Peace Out :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You just never know

So today is my birthday. I'm not a huge birthday fan for the obvious reasons (getting older is the main one) but nevertheless, it's still a big day. In reading through Facebook posts (which I love and appreciate!), I found myself scrolling back along the timeline. I jumped from my very first wall post which was in 2005 to right before I met my Hubs. Well, I take that back, I knew him but didn't think of him that way yet. It's just so funny to see your life chronicled like that. Little did I know just how drastically life would be changing in such a short amount of time.

It really does make me wonder what is in store for me and my family in 2013. The temporary flashback helped to ground me in my minor blue state and helped me to realize our (Hubs and I) whole mantra just a little better; Everything for a reason. True, the reason may be unclear at the time - albeit painful and diffucult to move past - but sometimes there is a "plan" for lack of better word. I am at the beginning of a brand new year and judging by the years I have had so far, there will be many ups and downs. Already we face one as we deal with the tumultuous state of selling our home. That could possibly be one of the most stressful things I can think of.

But soon enough we will move past that as well and be on to our next challenge. It's exciting and scary at the same time. The "I never saw that coming!" things are what scare me the most. But who knows. Those moments may be some of the best things that ever happened to me.....

Peace Out :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Scoot

When I say "My Scoot" at my house, the family knows that what I actually mean is "My Scout" who really is my dog. And by my, I mean all of ours but I choose to call him mine because I found him. If we're going to be completely honest, the pup probably has me lowest on the totem pole EXCEPT when it's that time of evening and I'm cooking in the kitchen.

That's the time he really shows his love. He has gotten into the habit as of late of laying on the kitchen floor while I cook dinner. He has done it for a while, and used to lay at my feet while I stood at the stove. Needless to say, this worried me a lot because I was constantly making sure I wasn't dripping or dropping hot items on to his cute head.

Now, he's discovered the nice little rug that is under the two-seater table in the kitchen. This is his new home.
Look at that face
Even when he's outside, he's keeping an eye on things. He's the best dog a family could ask for. Loves his boys like no other, watches their every move. He's always up for a game of "stick" and recently has started playing soccer with the cat!
Our own livestock guard dog
Can you tell how much I adore this dog? 

Peace Out :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Adventures in Knife Throwing

As exceptionally exciting as the title sounds, such adventures were relished in our own backyard. How many people can enjoy their afternoon quite as much as my family did whilst repeatedly chucking said objects toward a tree round? I am happy to report that such entertainment was not only cheap, it was fun for the boys and Daddy and Papa too! Double score!

The movies always make it look so easy. Villain or hero grab a knife or other sharp object out of their boot and haphazardly fling it across to the nearest suspect. Enter: close up camera shot of the knife so near to the head of the one in question. I'm here to tell you it is NOT that easy. Having participated myself, there is quite a different sound between the clang of the knife hitting the stump and crashing to the grass as opposed to the reassuring thump it makes when point makes contact and it sticks. Mine generally made no noise as they often flew over the top of the stumps and landed in the field behind them - minus clang and thump.

Boo's tomahawk - Success!

He thinks I'm so silly trying to get his picture while throwing

Love that smile
Maycroft Knife Throwing: 101

Hubs sure likes Papa's knives

Lining it up....


Oops. Too far. Into the elusive shrub pile

Ethan, the resident "Knife Retriever"

Let's pull out the big guns!! *Don't try this at home

Papa laughing at his crazy son

Boo trying it from the other side of the knife


Ethan's turn to try it out

Like son, like father

You can doooooo it!!!

Boo with Edward Scissorhands

Formulating the next plan of attack

Upon realizing that his Tomahawk broke

Dag-nabbit! Now where did that dang knife go??

Watch and learn

I got this!!!!

Caught ya! Bushia capturing the afternoon as well
All in all, a very nice family afternoon. Practice makes perfect. Those knives (and tomahawks and axes) continue to be thrown daily and aim is quite improving. That is, except for mine. I seem to be getting progressively worse. Go figure.

Peace Out :)