Since the beginning of this whole blog process, I have struggled with what exactly is my "voice" or even the point of my particular blog. I used to journal, but found that I wasn't always being entirely honest with myself, so I quit that. Now, I have turned to blogging, not necessarily using it as the same type of outlet as a journal would be, but more as a means to allowing me to write again. Once upon a time, I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, in 8th grade, our English teacher gave us an assignment to write a fictional story that was 3-4 pages long....needless to say, I went on to write a full story, complete with chapters! It ended up being almost 40 pages long - and I LOVED it.
But that's beside the point.
I read others blogs and am starting to figure out just what draws me into certain lives and storytellers. Yesterday, someone told me to check out Ree Drummond who writes I intended to just check it out, but suddenly realized I had been perusing her site for nearly 45 minutes. She is just so darn entertaining!!
Which brings me to my point - not so much that I'M the entertaining one, but how to make my blog something actually worth reading. I mean, in all seriousness, who wants to read boring day to day updates?
I sure don't.
SO - while cyberstalking - er, reading?? - her site, I came across a Top Ten list about writing a blog. One point stood out and it was that when she writes, she does it in a way as if she were to be writing to her sister. The same sarcastic, light-hearted tone. A conversation, if you will. Now granted, this long winded ramble is certainly not a conversation my sister would be all too thrilled with, but just in case anyone out there in cyberspace IS in fact reading this, I wanted them to know why there was (hopefully) a shift in the tone of the overall writing.
Dare I add a tagline? When Isabel (said sister) and I end our phone conversations, it is always with "Good-bye, I love you" followed with a dry toned "peace out". So there I leave it.
Peace out.
Front Yard Renovation with Belgard Outdoor Living
4 months ago
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