Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mother Nature, in all her glory!

So have I mentioned that I live in California? I just wanted to preface this post with that statement. Yesterday we were on full on lockdown due to tornado warnings. HUH??? My phone even went off with the obnoxious weather warning - which quite frankly is much scarier than what the message actually says - and it indicated that I was to find shelter IMMEDIATELY. Then we heard from the school that they weren't releasing the students or busses until the warning had been lifted so I had to decide whether or not it was safer to drive quickly to the school site and pick Ethan up or keep him there in their allegedly safe building.

What's the first thing a sane person does after receiving a tornado warning? Go outside and take a picture. 

Love that the rainbow ended in our pasture. Barry said we must have leprechauns running all around :)

Fast forward to the evening. Tornado warning lifted; rain, wind and navy blue colored clouds (I kid you not). Dogs on high alert. Pacing. Cat, hiding under the table (the only smart one).

We started a fire in our fireplace (first one!) and I lit a bunch of candles (not uncommon for me to do). Weather calmed. Rain slowed. Enter darkness. Power gone. Huh again?? It wasn't even windy!!

But, we got to sit around with candles and soft lighting until our eyelids gave out and we all went to bed early.

Happy to report power came back on a few minutes before I left for work this morning. Let's keep it that way.

Note: Lest you think I'm in total shock and awe over this less-than-12-hour power outtage, I will assure you that I grew up on the northern CA coast and am all too familar with what REAL power outtages entail. That being said, those outtages were generally following tremendous wind and rain. As I explained to the boys last night, I can remember being without power for 14 days once. Yeah, THAT was a good time. 

Time to restock candles. Calling Uncle Matt and Aunt Charly for more Bell Springs Candle Works candles (the BEST candles. Ever. And I'm not biased).

Peace Out :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moving right along

Well, I completed 3 more credits yesterday. That's 7 now! Yippee!! Granted, I know my progress will slow down a bit once I'm not doing review type classes, but still. It's good for the ol' self esteem.

Life is crazy (when is it not?). We are working our little tails off to get our other house cleaned up and fixed so we can get it on the market by the beginning of November. We are having a house party this weekend....AKA: my husband has some awesome friends who are giving up their free time to help us so we can get this listed ASAP. Gotta love friends.

No pictures for you this post. I haven't had much time for baking or cooking other than the normal dinner cooking. I am proud of myself for sticking to my meal plan the past few weeks. I started a new concept this week where I have a "theme" for each weekday. Monday is chicken, Tuesday is Mexican, Wednesday is Burger Night (experimental burgers as well), Thursday is New Recipe night and Friday is Theme Night (where I can really have some fun - think Mexican Fiesta, Indoor Picnic, Cowboy, Asian Cuisine, etc). Tonight is New Recipe so I made stuffed (with mozzerella) meatballs and stuck them in the crockpot to simmer in marinara sauce all day. Tonight I'll probably cook up a little pasta for the sauce and garlic bread for dipping - though my gut tells me the boys are going to make meatball sandwiches (because that's what Joey likes on Friends). They smelled great already and they haven't even cooked yet! We shall see how slow cooking them works out.

Peace Out :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Man, I swear I JUST wrote a post...then I looked and it was October 3rd. Holy moly! Well, yesterday I finished my first assessment for college. Passed! Yay! 4 credits down, one million and a half to go. I'm feeling highly motivated lately. However, I'm also feeling guilty about the chaotic state in which my home finds itself. I knew this would happen. I knew life would take somewhat of a back seat to college but I still feel bad.

I haven't really gotten to do any fun baking/cooking lately. More of the same, but no time to blog about it! Our weekends are spent working on cleaning and fixing our GV house to get it on the market. I can't wait to have that time back. Especially as the weather is changing. It's definitely baking time. As I type, there are flurries of leaves swirling with grayish skies above. LOVE IT. Thinking of whipping up some pumpkin bread tonight. I made a batch of banana bread the other night and it was wonderful. Plus, the hubs and boys really like having it for breakfast (I don't mind either).

Temporary vacation is finished. Back to Educational Psychology and US History.!!

Peace Out :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

3rd Day In

I've been a student now for two full days. I'm feeling accomplished, yet am remembering exactly why I have avoided my math classes like the plague for the past ten years. Blech. Nose to the grindstone and move on forward, right? If I can get all of the math done by the end of the first term, I'll want to kill myself be happy it's finished. Yet another cruel example of not putting off something you hate. Now I have to take four math classes. Instead of the one I could have taken at HSU. Dumb.

In other news, our neighbor brought over 18 cows to our pasture. Yay!!
I'm quite fond of the tan ones

Eat it down, cows!!


And our buddy Bill. 
 The day before they came over was overcast and cool...something we aren't too familiar with around here. At least not in September. BUT, I embraced the weather and decided to go with a more "cozy" meal. Highlights include yummy potatoes. I could eat potatoes all day.
Prior to cooking. I know, I know...you're wondering what all the fuss is about, right??

THIS is what the fuss was about. Oh-Em-Gee. 

Dark clouds. Love them. 
Weatherman says it's supposed to cool off starting tomorrow (no more 97 degree days???). Let's bring on the Fall Cookin'!

Peace Out :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Here we go!

I have my "opening" appointment with my academic counselor today. Essentially, today is the first official day of my term and she is making available my classes (and assessments to challenge courses). It's been a LONG time coming. This time around, this BA is going to stick though. The benefit (I suppose) of the forced break in school (finances) has allowed me to really appreciate what that education will do for me as a person. I am so beyond ecstatic to get started.

I'm doing my courses through an online school. That wouldn't have been my first choice, however a typical Brick and Mortar University just isn't in the cards at this juncture of my life. I work full time, I have a family and the closest university is an hour away. On top of which, going the traditional route entails sticking to a traditional schedule. I'm hoping to be able to accelerate this way.

I'll keep you updated.

Wish me luck!!

Peace Out :)