Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 5

Ok, so i'm not even going to start with excuses for why i haven't posted. the bottom line is, i fell off the wagon of blogging but hey! at least i'm back!

topic for sibling. so before i even begin, i must start by explaining to everyone that my sister is the best sister. ever. i love her more than anything and she is amazing. she is graduating high school this year and going to head off to college in the fall. i'm sure that she will do something substantial and quite literally change the world. she is that kind of person. she is infectious to be around. you can't help but love her. (ok, i'm a little biased, but honestly, take a poll!)....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 4

continuing on with this 30 day challenge....topic for today? My parents.

My mom is Laura and my dad is Doug. My dad is a retired state park ranger and so consequently i was privileged enough to LIVE within state parks for most of my life. i must admit, it's pretty cool living in that ranger house right in the middle of the state park. it was actually much like camping all the time. we had a fire ring and picnic table in our front yard! But, some not so great things were that campers used to walk into our house because they thought it was a laundromat or something along those lines.

my mom works for the post office and doesnt love it. my mom is an amazing musician and can play just about anything. she is so much more artistic than she will ever admit. my parents have been there for me through oh so very much. i am grateful for them and their patience with me as i have learned along the way.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 3

ok, so interesting topic, i suppose. thought for today: your first love.

well, i'm currently still in the so-called "honeymoon" stage of my relationship with my husband (we were married in October of 2010). i hope we never leave that stage. while it wasn't necessarily love at first sight, it was certainly INTEREST at first sight, though could have been fueled by the notion that he was SEVERELY off limits to me. quite a faux-pas. you see, he was a parent at the school i work at. how cliche is it that the single dad starts dating the school secretary?? well, doesn't matter, cus that's exactly what happened. was scary, was exhilarating, was a amazing journey that continues to this day. true love, like what i have found with him, is something that can (in my opinion) often be misinterpreted until the one day that you realize OH! this is what everyone has been talking about! i had no idea just a deep a feeling could really be.

there. love story.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Day 2?

So I had googled that blog challenge. When I looked it over a little more I found that I really liked the questions on my classmates....SO, Danielle, I hope you don't mind but I'm using the questions from yours!

I am skipping to Day 2:

Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

well, I would love to say that it's some super complicated, very insightful name, but alas. the name speaks for itself. yup. maycroftclan is self explanatory. our clan will grow in the future, i hope and perhaps i'll be up on my blogging. until then, that's the meaning. we have three boys. a clan. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This is my second attempt. I have started one other blog (which I will not link to this one) and was sorely disappointed with the way I was going about it. Needless to say, I didn't care enough to try and delete that one, so here I go again.

The recent inspiration for this second go-around was in seeing a former classmate's blog. She was following a 30 day blog challenge. Now, of course, I googled it. Couldn't seem to find her same one, but hey! That's ok! So, here's to that challenge. Will hopefully do it proud.